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Hello! For many years I've been a writer "by any other name". But in this new season of life as a mom I've realized more and more the importance of real connection, community and being a voice of hope in this wild new world. So here I am, officially calling myself a writer, eagerly looking to engage with you as I write to bring hope along the journey. If you're a new mama, an overwhelmed mama, or just find yourself in any new and unfamiliar season of life, I hope you'll find yourself right at home here.
- Friday, November 19, 2021

Holding Tigers In His Hands

 And sometimes in the stillness, (which has only ever been as you sleep), I can almost see your fresh from heaven, newborn baby face. Soon after you were born, the clamor of the delivery room settled and we settled in. I remember holding your gaze as I held my breath in wonder and awe. I had no room for dreaming about who you would become, for, at that moment, all of me was wrapped up in who you were- my baby boy. 

Now here we are today. I said yes to your naptime request, “Momma, you sleep with me a little bit?” I snuggled in close and once again, my eyes were compelled to steady on you. Only today, my mind swirled with thoughts of your future. My baby boy turned three-year-old, fast asleep under a pile of blankets with tiger in hand. 

As your momma, God’s given me a special, insider’s view into your temperament, personality and character. Which means even now, before you’re old enough to tie your shoes, I see your great potential. I’m aware of the amazing opportunities God has for you to walk in and I can see the possible pitfalls along the way.

Holding tigers in your hand

I believe this image of holding a tiger in your hand is a picture of what is to come. 

You will hold many tigers in your hands. The tigers you will hold won’t get there because you’ve chased them down and snatched them up by sheer determination and fortitude. 

No, tigers will rest in your hands through different means. 

You have a way with others. Or maybe it’s more closely a way about you, that draws others in. A tenderness, compassion, a knowing. You walk with a meekness that is welcoming and safe. And it is disarming to even the most frustrated of mommas. 

Even in your outbursts of anger and toddler tantrums, it remains. With rough edges in need of refining, to be certain, but I so clearly see it.

Some may mistake this for weakness, but they would be wrong. For what kind of person invites a tiger to come rest in his hand?

The person who is courageous. Someone who wouldn’t know why the rest of the world was trembling at the sight of a tiger. Someone who sees beyond the fangs and claws. Someone who isn't easily intimidated. Someone who is resolved. 

No, the tiger isn’t tamed through conquering, but rather through a strength restrained. A strong, safe, inviting place for even the most ferocious tigers to simply come and be seen. 

Each day you are learning and growing and I am learning, my joy growing, too. You teach me so much. What a privilege it is to see and foster and walk alongside of you. 

Rest up, my son. Peace, be still. 

In a world full of tigers, I’m so glad God made you.

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